91E Integrated Amplifier
Introducing a revolutionary new integrated amplifier from Western Electric. Meet ambitious, single-ended sound inspired by its famous predecessor, the WE 91A.
Experience over 20 watts per channel—a first for the 300B. This never before realized level of performance has been achieved with a completely new approach to SE amplifier design. Developed over two years, the 91E’s circuitry intelligently steers the parallel feed constant current source (SCCS), allowing the tubes to deliver more than double their previously rated output of 7-8 watts. You’ve never heard the 300B like this before.
Our patented steered constant current source always keeps the tubes within their safe operating area. This means full power dissipation without sacrificing tube life.
Western Electric is known for introducing single-ended tube amplifiers in early theater sound systems. Back then, elaborate setups with massive loudspeakers were required to match low power output amps and reach desirable efficiency levels. Soon thereafter, the invention of the push-pull output stage increased amplifier performance combined with negative feedback while greatly decreasing the size and cost of equipment.
These advancements seemingly improved sound quality and were adopted by the audio community over the years. But the pursuit of high power and low total harmonic distortion (THD) with push-pull came with unintended consequences, wherein the out-of-phase signals are recombined after a complicated signal path. There is a resulting loss of detail, spatial presence, and a diminished soundstage. More power? Yes. Lower distortion? Yes. But what about the sound? As CD-quality recordings became available, serious listeners rediscovered the SE topology and its simplistic, no-nonsense approach.
The 91E is a wholehearted embrace of SE amplifier design, where anomalies disappear and every component along the chain must be of impeccable quality. It is the next step towards powerful, truly musical sound, inspired by years of history and research in SE technology. And for 300B lovers, an irresistible new level of performance.
The 91E is loaded with four RCA inputs, one phono input (MC/ MM switch), Bluetooth® for wireless streaming, and an Apple® remote compatible IR receiver. A centered TFT display provides a clear and easy readout for function and volume controls.
For an added level of customization, bypass the 91E’s integrated function, and use your own power or preamplifier.
The parallel feed circuitry permits the use of toroidal output transformers, which reduces hysteresis to an imperceptible level.
You can also detach and exchange the toroidal transformer block for one that more precisely matches your speaker impedance requirement.
Full length nickel-plated handles and deck-mounted tubes give the 91E a rugged, function-over-form feel. The large, optical encoder control knob controls level, balance, and gain through digitally-selected relays connected to low-noise resistors. A champagne (optionally black) anodized aluminum enclosure, glass caging, and etched labeling balance with classic features for an overall modern elegance, worthy of continuing Western Electric’s rich product lineage.
Breakthrough SET amplifier technology designed for powerful, unleashed 300B performance
Class A3 parallel feed single-ended triode topology
Zero feedback
Designed and assembled in USA
Patented steered constant current source power supply ensures stable operation over each tube’s whole lifetime
Low hysteresis toriodal output transformer blocks
Preamp output and power amp input
Over 20 watts per channel, more than double the average output power for a 300B
Microprocessor controlled bias
Digital attenuator with relay-selected resistors
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