High End Munich 2022 + Western Electric
Thursday, May 5, 2022
After a long hiatus due to worldwide pandemic restrictions, Western Electric exhibited products at its first trade show since 2019. High End 2022, the world’s largest hi-fi show, took place in Munich from May 19-22. Details about the show are on the organizer’s website.
In the first of two spacious listening rooms, Western Electric demonstrated its most popular product, the type 300B electron tube, and flagship amplifier the type 91E. In the second listening room, visitors were invited to the public debut of a new driver for loudspeakers, the type 777 rAMT Midrange Driver. The 777 is the first of its kind, elevating the popular Air Motion Transformer (AMT) to perform as a true wide-range driver. The driver itself was mounted in a three-way speaker prototype, also never before seen in public. Western Electric played live demos each day for the duration of the show.
Founded in 1869, Western Electric is an American manufacturer with an enduring relationship with quality. Today, we make stunning listening experiences through innovative audio equipment and legacy hi-fi like the 300B vacuum tube.