Type 91 – A Family History

In 1936, under its film sound subsidiary Electrical Research Products Incorporated (ERPI), Western Electric commissioned the 91A amplifier for use in the wall-mounted Type 500A amplifier set. Amplifier sets like the 500A combined with a projector, loudspeakers, and other tube amplifiers to make up “Wide Range” and subsequent “Mirrophonic” sound systems in the 1930s. These early sound systems, manufactured, installed, and maintained by Western Electric, introduced a booming Hollywood movie industry and moviegoers worldwide to the magical, yet naturalistic wonder of high-fidelity sound reproduction. Even small-to-midsize hometown venues, for which the 91A was designed, could be equipped with lifelike, synchronized sound for motion picture. 

The 91E continues the legacy of Western Electric sound. Its proud place in the Type 91 lineage is rooted in an idea—What is the best possible 300B amplifier? 

Light years have passed since the birth of electroacoustics and yet the 300B remains the triode of choice for serious music lovers worldwide. The 91A’s output stage used the 300A (the 300B’s almost identical predecessor) to effortlessly reproduce film soundtracks in a large room, but at only 8 watts max. 8-10 watts has long been the standard range for 300B amplifiers manufactured over the years. The Western Electric 91E, with its patented steered current source technology (SCCS), unleashes the 300B to perform at more than double the power. The best possible design allows the 300B to truly sing. We hope listeners find just that as Western Electric sound reverberates through their listening rooms.

The idea was also to elevate listeners’ experience with unforgettable industrial design. Liberated from the metal cabinet that housed the 91A, the 91E is a showpiece that balances rugged retro features, like nickel-plated handles and an oversized attenuator knob, with stylish glass tube caging and an easy-to-read LCD screen for an overall modern elegance. 

The 300B electron tube is manufactured by hand in the USA at the Western Electric Rossville Works. The 91E is assembled in the USA at the same facility using globally sourced components.

Founded in 1869, we're an American manufacturer with an enduring relationship with quality. Today, we make stunning listening experiences through innovative audio equipment and legacy hi-fi like the 300B vacuum tube.